


It was a digital event that needed to go beyond the traditional limits of virtuality. An international meeting that had to break structures, to demolish limits. In order to overcome this mission, we created an event in the Globant "metaverse". Converge was a milestone, proof that it's possible to keep innovating when it comes to digital events. And we did it. 5 international productions. 1 virtual stage with 4 live speakers, 10,000 spectators around the world. A team of more than 50 people. Clients with whom we navigate into the future.

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20 years ksk


An iconic fashion show for an iconic brand. What better way to celebrate 20 years of such a disruptive client than by doing it at the Temple of Rock: Estadio Obras. We were in charge of the general production of a 360° stage staging designed by Sergio Lacroix for more than 2500 spectators. Lighting, sound and 100 meters of LED screen were part of this parade with an almost architectural proposal, which was raised by national and international media and broke attendance records at BAF Week in Buenos Aires.



A New Year's Eve party that is not like any other. Globant, one of Argentina's unicorn companies, raises the bar year after year and celebrated the coming/arrival of 2021 with a mega festival for 2500 employees. We worked side by side to carry out the creative proposal and took care of the general and technical production, installations, games, foodtrucks and an artistic line up that closed with BRESH.

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Friends of steel


When mass consumption companies are looking for awareness, activations are a must and there is still a lot of room for creating novel solutions. Associating the brand to a relevant date for its target consumers with ideas that will generate feedback between both. A BTL proposal that captures spaces in consumer circuits and generates an opportunity for visibility with innovative and impactful ideas that could stand out. We took care of the aesthetics, creativity and execution in this project with our friends from Chandon.

60th anniversary


An innovative anniversary for a traditional structure: The possibility of scaling and celebrating across generations and surprising everyone. The challenge: To execute a massive production in an unconventional location with our standard for excellence and in record time. More than 3,000 people experienced a high impact event, with 2,500-meter structures, high level ambience, live bands and a technical deployment to a whole another level. Creative proposals, general production, technical production, ambience and development of audiovisual content were some of our services to make the celebration unforgettable.